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- Live Review: I.C.O.N opening for Udo Dirkschneider – London 19.04.16
- Live Review: I.C.O.N opening for Udo Dirkschneider – London 19.04.16
- Live Review: I.C.O.N opening for Udo Dirkschneider – London 19.04.16
- Live Review: I.C.O.N opening for Udo Dirkschneider – Buckley 16.04.16
- Live review: I.C.O.N opening for Udo Dirkschneider – Manchester 13.04.16
Review of Dendera’s show with Anvil – Birmingham, 13/7/15

“The Portsmouth based battalion have just released their new “Pillars Of Creation” to rave reviews – not the least of which was on MVM – and they very neatly distill everything that’s ever been great about metal from Dio and Rainbow to Maiden and Sabbath, before stopping to give it … Continue reading
8/10 review of I.C.O.N’s set at Wildfire Festival, Scotland

“Closing up the second stage over teatime was I.C.O.N. with their brand of straight-up no-nonsense heavy metal. With a chunky tone and great crowd interaction, I.C.O.N’s brand of heavy, from more upbeat punky ideas to slower Black Sabbath-esque moments, went down a treat with the crowd.” 8/10 Check out the … Continue reading
Crossfire Magazine Germany reviews I.C.O.N ‘The Blacklist’
Thanks very much Crossfire: 8.5/10 “Sie kann bei aller Klarheit das oldschool Ambiente von kratzigen Gitarren herausstellen, worum es bei der Band geht. Dazu kommen gut knallige Drums und ein wummernder Bass, der hörbar mit Plektrum gespielt wird. Fette Sache!” Check out the full review here
Sonic Abuse reviews Dendera’s ‘Pillars of Creation’

“What sets Dendera apart is that they play classic heavy metal without sounding as if they are playing classic heavy metal. All of the elements are here – screaming solos, sledgehammer riffs, hammer down drumming and melodic vocals, but they’re delivered in such a way, and with such towering authority, … Continue reading
Planet Mosh reviews I.C.O.N’s set at Wildfire Festival

“To finish off the second stage heavy metallers I.C.O.N delivered a powerful no holds barred set. Kicking off with ‘Feeding The Negative’ and also the title track from their fantastic new album ‘The Blacklist’, they leave no doubt that they are here to make sure everyone watching is having a … Continue reading