Stuka Squadron, Tales of the Ost review: The Metal Saloon

Genre: Heavy Metal Label: Metalbox Recordings Release date: 13th February 2012 Stuka Squadron’s latest album ‘Tales of the Ost’ I should warn, is not for the faint hearted.  This ‘lucky numbered’ 13 tracked album will give you something to chew on and hard to spit out as is will lure you into its … Continue reading

Czech Stuka Squadron review: Tales of the Ost, Metal Forever

Vzpomínáte na film Dvoj?ata? Možná se ?lenové britských Stuka Squadron ve zp?sobu po?etí inspirovali a namíchali totální genetický koktejl. Takže na spole?né fotografii stojí v první ?ad? tatíci Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Saxon a Manowar (druhá ?ada nositel? genetických informací je trochu rozplizlá, ale s trochou fantazie m?žete dosadit i … Continue reading

7.5/10 for Inmoria – Review by Metal Express

Sweden’s Inmoria went through a line-up change that brought them a new singer:  Artillery‘s powerful voice and throat, the Danish Sören Nico Adamsen.  After two years since Invisible Wounds,Inmoria has come up with their sophomore release A Farewell To Nothing: The Diary Part 1.  As is indicative from the title, this album is only the beginning … Continue reading