I suppose Tad Morose is known by the majority of our readers at Metal To Infinity webzine. This band delivered us one after another great album but it has been quiet for a while around this Swedish band. Their last effort must be “Modus Vivendi”, from 2003. It was a great album but nothing has been heard about them ever since. Their Powerful Metal with a melodic edge has always pleased me and as far as I know they’re still active. What are they waiting for?
The reason I am mentioning Tad Morose is because their original drummer, Dan Eriksson, is now back on the front with a band called Inmoria. The band released an album before, with a member of Lefay. Another member you need to know is Soren Nico Adamsen, the singer of the well praised Thrash Metal band Artillery. Two good reasons to try this band out but believe me if I say there’s more, so much more! The attractive front cover was the main reason why I started this album to review out of the package Rock It Up Records delivered me and I was right about it.
The album takes off with a track called “Blinded” and I am immediately totally overwhelmed. Strong riffs, a terrifying cry by singer Adamsen and songs that take me by the throat without any mercy! This is dark, this is Powerful, breathtaking and yet melodic! I don’t know what to listen to at first. The riffs are superb and razor sharp, the vocals are very seducing if you’re a Metal head ‘pur sang’! In the back some subtle keyboards are weaved into the music and it gives the song that extra touch. The leads are giving me cold shivers and I am totally out of my mind! I am so thrilled I feel the need to make some advertisement on the Facebook.page ‘Lowlands Metalheads’ and the reactions are all positive!
Inmoria plays with a surrounding turbo sound and that’s the main reason why this release is so irresistible and overpowering! Soren Adamsen sounds outrageous and it’s impossible to not be touched by his vocal lines and vocal sound. I never would have thought this guy has such a extraordinary voice! Inmoria wrote varied arrangements and the used keyboards, often mixed with fast fingered emotional played and ripping leads are making me worship this band! Manticora, Tad Morose, Manimal, Eldritch, Metal Church… are crossing my mind but after all Inmoria isn’t that easy to label but that’s their ultimate strong point. This band uses all of their talents and they’re creative on a sophisticated way, with the intense force to bring the listener in some kind of spell! Progressive, Power, Thrashy but overall melodic and technical!
The dark choirs/keyboards that are constantly on the back ground give the band the charisma like they’re disciples of Hell. This ultra dark atmosphere makes Inmoria sound like a band from out of the depths of Hell, fantastic! Compare it with the atmosphere on albums like ”In search of thruth” (Evergrey), “Burnt Offerings” (Iced Earth) and “The Devil’s Hall Of Fame” (Beyond Twilight). This kind of Metal touches my soul, a soul I would sell to the devil himself because of it!
Inmoria is bombastic in all its veins and this kind of melodic ‘in your face’ Metal is what the modern Metal scène really needs. This is a surprising act and I really hope for the band and the label this album will be heard by all those Metal fans out there. The underground Metal movement will enclose them without any troubles but to me Inmoria is a band that is able overgrow the underground Metal scène. If they’re capable to bring this kind of first class Metal on stage and if they can deliver an equal qualitative follow up album they must break through, no doubts! Check http://www.myspace.com/inmoriamusic for this masterpiece!
My Points: 92 / 100 (Review by Officer Nice)